what is internet? who invented the internet? whats the first purpose of having it? is it called internet before? is it really necessary to use the internet everyday? who does use the internet often, nowadays? Internet is a reliable source of research and for connection and also entertainment for some people. Some people nowadays use internet for gaming purposes and for social networking. Social networking sites in the internet such as FACEBOOK,TWITTER,MULTIPLY and many social networking sites. Internet is used in online games because the games nowadays requires internet for playing. The first purpose of having the internet was for military purposes. The internet back then was called
The military put their battle strategies and information in the
ARPANET and send it to their home base or their ally base
to know their strategies.
Using the internet everyday is really not necessary, because it is just for use such as research, communication and updates. A little look at the networks and sites are fine, you don't have to be in the online world in 24 hours. The use of internet nowadays has been easy, much younger people get into the online world. At my age for me Internet is a usable source of assignments and for research works. It can also be used as an business purposes and for communicating to other persons. Internet is a usable network that you can rely on. For the younger people who log in too much on the online world, should reduce their being online in the online world. Parents should prevent their children in being online too much.
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