My name is John Claro V. Labitoria and I'm an MMA (MULTI MEDIA ARTS) student of LPL (Lyceum of the Philippines-Laguna). I chose MMA, because I have this hobby of editing pictures/videos/sounds. I was right to pick this course, because I am enjoying my 5 weeks of learning the course. Even if they are still teaching us some basic skills, I am still being patient, because I want to enhance my editing skills sooner as possible. Yesterday, July 19,2012 1pm we went to the room beside the faculty. The gathering at that time was about our society, the MMA family. We elected our set of officers for our society. They say that, that society is strictly for MMA students only and we will do our own activity even if it is part of the CAS department. I was amazed and inspired when I heard the officers personal background. I heard that our elected president Andrew Abrigo worked with ABS-CBN, and that ispired me a lot.
They say that we shouldn't be bored of learning the basics, because this is a step-by-step procedure. That phrase made me think and agreed to what they said. No one can become a professional or a well known person if they did not went through the basics, lets say for example Mark Zuckerberg, he wont be able to create the facebook if he didn't learned how to make a program. It made me patient about learning the future. Now I research on my own and learning about what we will study about in the future, so I have background on what are we doing and it would be easy for me also. I am ready for the obstacles I might encounter of being a professional Multi Media Artist. I enjoy my MMA family, even though we have the most few students in this course, still its fun being and MMA student. MMA wouldn't be complete and happy if Ms. Anna Kagaoan is not our adviser. I wish I will know better my fellow classmates and my fellow MMA students.
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