what is communication? how to communicate? is it really necessary to communicate everyday? will they understand us if we don't communicate? how can people help us if we are scared to communicate with them?

communication is the art of exchanging information among one another in order to create a shared understanding. It is something we people do everyday also in many different ways and meaning.The word came from the Latin word ‘communis’ which means sharing. Modern people nowadays communicate through different use and methods of communication like speaking, use of telephones, the use of email, blogging, art, hand and body motions and facial expressions. Communicating to people everyday is important and it gives us news, for example communicating with your neighbor then something happened in your neighborhood about some robbers getting in your old neighbor's house, you will not know about that if you don't communicate. Many people communicate with each other, it is like a hobby for people always communicating.
People can't possibly understand us if we don't communicate with them. People doesn't have telepathic abilities that can read minds of the people they want. People need to communicate, for them to, express their feelings and emotions also their problems, and for people to know and might help them about their problems. We must not be afraid to people if their trying to communicate with us, all we've got to do is also to communicate with them.
Communication can also be used in different things, like, business proposal, for call center agents and etc. Communication is an important thing that must be learned by children as early as possible, so they will have no difficulty in socializing with people when they grew up. I always communicate with people allot specially with my friends. I enjoy communicating with everyone, it completes my day.
I feel like my life is boring if I didn't communicate with someone, and just in front of the computer the whole day. Whenever I see an EMO person, it makes me think that he often talk to people and just talk to his self in his thoughts. Communication are being used always especially in business, many businessman uses this for dealing and offering some agreements. There are many ways for communication to be used for. So communicate with everyone it will help you to gain friends, and you must pick your words carefully.
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