Mona Lisa
The famous, well known painting called "Mona Lisa" painted by Leonardo da Vinci. According from what I researched Mona Lisa was a person. A woman named Lisa Gherardini the wife of Francesco del Giocondo. How come that the painting's name become Mona Lisa? The word "Mona" came from the word Madonna which means "my lady", for short it's called "monna" but Leonardo changed the spelling and made it a single "n". Leonardo began painting the Mona Lisa since 1503 or 1504 something like that year, in Florence, Italy. According to many people, there are mysteries from that painting that Leonardo left for the people, but it hasn't been revealed and discovered yet. The Mona Lisa painting has survived for over 500 years and still counting. Since the paint that has been used in that painting was not that good and didn't have the capacity to last longer. Museum who held the Mona Lisa painting, did some cleaning and retouching. Jean-Marie Hooghstoel, was one that who was responsible for restoring the painting, and for the galleries of Musee Napoleon.
One of the mystery of the painting is her eyebrow, because there's only one stroke of brush in her eye and in her eyebrow. Also the left finger was not finished completely by Leonardo da Vinci. The people who has the possession of Mona Lisa's painting who does the retouching, doesn't change his work and just repair some damage. One of the damage that has been made in the Mona Lisa's painting was on 1956 on the elbow of the painting, because of a rock thrown into the painting. Luckily the painting did not get so much damage, and the painting is still the original made by Leonardo da Vinci. It is said that the painting is acquired by Leonardo da Vinci assistant Salai. King Francis I of France bought the painting from Salai for only 4,000 ecus, and has been in the property of the French Republic. Today it is displayed at the Musee du Louvre in Paris, France. It is said that when you are happy and looked at the Mona Lisa painting, the painting is smiling. Once you are sad and depressed the Mona Lisa painting is sad also. After I have read that, it came to my mind that the Mona Lisa painting is becoming to look the same way you are feeling.

The Mona Lisa has been a famous painting since Leonardo da Vinci painted it. According to research Leonardo da Vinci didn't finished the Mona Lisa painting. It is said that he regretted that he didn't finished any single work that he created in his life. The Mona Lisa painting is displayed in a purpose-built, climate-controlled enclosure behind a bulletproof glass. Since this famous is very famous in the world, many people go to France just to see this master piece. Even I, I want to go to France and see personally the famous painting that is called "Mona Lisa". It is said that it captured million of hearts of the people, because its special and it has an unusual smile. In my opinion, it became famous because it is a painting of a woman who has no eyebrow and eyelashes. Lets tell the truth a drawing or painting of a person, doesn't look good if it doesn't have any eyebrow and eyelashes, but this painting still became famous. If I have been given a chance to go to France, I will go directly to Musee du Louvre and look at Leonardo da Vinci's painting.
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